Ordonez, Emily

My name is Emily Ordonez and I am a senior. I moved from New York when I was in 8th grade. One day on a field trip to this suspicious lab a radioactive spider bit me. I did not do anything about it because I did not feel like it to be honest. Then, when I got home I started feeling very odd and when I checked in the mirror I suddenly had rockhard muscles and I was like ten times hotter than what I already am. i decided to ignore this and just assumed it was puberty or something. as you can see I did not have a lot of logic. and then out of nowhere I just like decided to run around or something and a web shot out of my hand. I started screaming and passed out. Logically afterwards I decided to test this ability by jumping off a building and to my surprise I was gliding and doing tricks in the air. Then naturally some uglies came out and wanted to start stuff so I beat them up and I showed them who’s boss. Then one day I came home and my aunt said someone was here to see me and it turned out to be Tony Stark, billionare, genius, philanthropist. Anyways that’s I became spiderman and how I work with the avengers. and yes this story is completely true. also I turned into dust for like five years but then I reemerged fine so it’s no biggie.