ADVISER NOTEBOOK: An update about this year’s War Whoop
April 13, 2020
Since I began teaching last year, I’d been toying with the idea of giving a space for my own voice. This program will always be about the students and their work. However, in the event of a pandemic, there’s only so much we can constructively do. So, here we go …
Our War Whoop yearbook will remain on sale through the rest of this school year for the original presale price of $110. The cost went up after winter break, however, sales were minimal between that time and spring break. This was an easy choice to make, and not because our product will be diminished. On the contrary, we’re adapting our book plans to better reflect the year we’ve been dealt and the resolve of our students to persevere. Books can be purchased online by visiting or CLICKING HERE.

This special COVID-19 section was produced by Balfour and inserted into production by NDN Press.
What we’re adding: A specially produced COVID-19 SECTION, detailing the ongoing pandemic and how it affected our every day lives. Fifty years from now, when the Class of 2020 looks back at their copy, they’ll recall how big of an ordeal this was. They’ll hear from students who had sports seasons, dance, concerts, theatrical productions, academic competitions and other senior benchmarks turned upside down.
Senior Tribute Ads: Because special moments came between district-wide crises, we’re offering the option to purchase a simple tribute ad for your senior. These full-color tribute ads are one-size, one style (roughly the size of a wallet senior portrait). They will fit one photo and family message. Multiple spaces can be purchased. This can also be a place to list your student’s accomplishments or canceled opportunities (state qualifiers, incomplete projects or seasons, etc.). These ads will be on sale through the end of school. Price: $50
Other customizable senior ad sizes are available. Price: $75 (1/4 page); $150 (1/2 page); $200 (Full page).
Message: [email protected] to purchase.
Business Ads: We love our community because our community loves us. We’ll also be accepting business ads through the end of school to give an opportunity for our community to leave a positive message in our book. Price: $75 (1/4 page); $150 (1/2 page); $200 (Full page).
Message: [email protected] to purchase.
This year has seen one interruption after another. Our deadlines have been reworked, revamped, delayed and — at times — put on hold. Despite that, the cornerstone of our program, our War Whoop yearbook, still has to be made and published. And it will be.
We’re #AllInThisTogether.