NDN Press T-shirts now on sale

NDN Press

The 2019-20 NDN Press T-shirts are now on sale.

The shirts are part of a fundraiser for the organization’s activity account. On it, each student name is displayed with their signature on the back and this year’s four editors, Kristen Crippen, Rachel Garin Payton Lee and Emily Smith, have their signatures placed inside the NDN Press logo’s camera lens.

Here is a link to download a printable order form: T-Shirt Order Form 2019-20.

Shirts are $20 each for short sleeves, $25 for long sleeves. Order forms are due, with money, to Mr. Tobias in the NDN Press room by Friday, March 6.

Cash or checks only will be accepted. Checks can be made payable to: PNGISD, and put ‘NDN Press shirt’ in the memo line.

For more information, please contact Mr. Tobias at: miketobias@pngisd.org.