Friday is last chance for $110 War Whoop price
Pre-orders for the 2020 War Whoop yearbook are on sale through May 22. The price increases from $110 to $150 after Friday, Dec. 20.
December 17, 2019
For those wishing to pre-order a 2020 War Whoop yearbook, Friday, Dec. 20, is the last day to purchase one for $110.
After Christmas break, the price will go up to $150.
“Anyone wishing to pre-order their yearbook can come see me before, after, or during their lunch periods,” Mr. Tobias, NDN Press adviser, said. “We accept cash or checks; however, the checks must be made out to PN-G ISD.”
The pre-order price $110 ran from August through Dec. 20.
“We’ve had several interruptions during this fall,” Mr. Tobias said. “But our NDN Press staffers are working hard to make this the best yearbook we can.”